• Register

Register your Application

You can create one or more applications to access our APIs. Every application encases all the information about the use you intend to do of one or more set of APIs for a specific use case, and can contain one or more keys. Every key is associated with a plan, which details which APIs/endpoints your application can invoke and the relevant rate limits. ## Test Application You can freely test our APIs during your development phase, either via the [**Interactive Documentation**](/io-docs) or any other tool (cUrl, Postman, etc.). You just have to create a Test Application and subscribe to a plan. From the home page click on *My Account*, *Applications* and then *Create a New App* (or just click [**here**](/apps/register) to get there right now). Fill the required fields and make sure to tick the *Issue a new key for Free Package* and *I agree to the terms of service* boxes. Then click on the *Register Application* button.
A mail containing your new key will be sent to the address associated with your user account. The corresponding secret will be available in your [**My API Keys**](/apps/mykeys) section.
Key and secret will allow you to effectively test all of our APIs using the [**Interactive Documentation**](/io-docs). ## Production Application If you need a full fledged key for one or more of our APIs. Just [**contact**](/contact) us and let us know, so we can create your Production Application for you.
We will devise a plan custom made on your specifications and send you a key at the mail address associated with your user account. The corresponding secret will be available in the [**My API Keys**](/apps/mykeys) section. ## Application List Anytime you need to check your existing applications, you can find them listed [**here**](/apps/myapps). Here you can also see which plan(s) each application is subscribed to and the corresponding keys.
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